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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Greater Rann of Kutch - The Unique Biodiversity -Part - IV

25.12.2010 : Day 5 (Mandavi Beach) - Last Day 
 Mandavi Beach is 100Km far from Nakhatrana. Photos below exhibits  the wide diversity of waterbirds in this habitat

Westen Reef Egret
Black Winged Stilt


Black Ibis

Heuglin's  Gull

Heuglin's Gull

Great Thick-Knee

Great Thickknee


Sanderling with Crab prey

Sanderling hunting small Crabs

Eurasian Curlew

Lesser Sand Plover

Little Ring Plover  - and Plastic Pollution ?

Temminck's Stints

Green Sandpiper
Spot Billed Duck
Painted Snipe

Desert Wheatear

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